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Issue Tracking2NQBHCW7
Date2023-07-25 08:38:37
QuestionAsalaam Alykum,

We're shia muslim couple with UK citizenship, We've known each other for almost 10 years and been married for 9 years ? alhumdulilah. I am 47 (Munnawarali) and my wife (Sabira) is 41. We both work and have a home ready for a family. We've never had kids but we have had two failed IVF cycles (long and very emotional story) , due to having multiple failed IVF-PGD we're looking for surrogacy with IVF. Do you offer this?
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Avicenna Fertility Center, No. 97, at the corner of the Yakhchal street, Shariati st., Tehran, Iran.

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Saturday : 8am–3pm
Sunday : 8am–3pm
Monday : 8am–3pm
Tuesday : 8am–3pm
Wednesday : 8am–3pm
Thursday : 8am–1pm